I'm beyond honored!! First I rec'd this award from my new friend Andrea (http://andrea-who.blogspot.com/) and before I had a chance to pass it on I also rec'd the same award from my good friend Angie (http://angiehallhaviland.typepad.com/angiesartfulllife/). Girls....I am humbled!! Given that I rec'd these so close together I think I will choose to only pass it on one time!! :::Smiles::: Thanks again!!
Here are the rules:
(1) The winner can put the logo on their blog.
(2) Link the person you received your award from.
(3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
(4) Put links of those on yours.
(5) Leave a message on the blogs of the people you’ve nominated.
To pass this on I choose the following 7 blogs:
HI Shelly..Thank you so much for the sweet award! I linked a thank you to your blog! Have a blessed and creative day!
Take Care
~Shellllyyyy Raeeeeeeeeee~ ~Shelllllllyyyy Raeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ Thought about you today while I was outside cutting back the roses and trying to stuff the climbers back inside their towers. I'm not sure if this is because they were thorny and scratching me or because I was missing your effervescence that makes water sparkle. ;-) As usual, I ramble... Anywho!
Ohhh I'm honored for the blog award because that's a pretty hefty list to be included with there, Sister! Thank you! ~Misti
Hi Shllly, thank you very much for the award !! we are very glad you think about us for this award !!
Hi Shelly,
Thanks so much for the award, that's so kind of you to nominate me! I have added a link to you on my blog.
Your blog is beautiful, I love your Sassy paperweight by the way, just gorgeous!!
Thanks again,
Karen (The Graphics Fairy)
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