
"...at its core....art is simply the language of the soul" -Robert Redford

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Monday, April 26

Yes I am still alive....

.....sometimes life just takes over and refuses to let you breathe 'ya know??  Some good, some bad.....but we'll focus on the good!! I have been working feverishly on the new business, "ARTful Salvage." I have posted a few more of the 60+ totems and bird feeders I have been making on my Salvage blog. Please check it out if you have time!!

Today is Wonder Boy's 22nd birthday. Wow!!  How did that happen??  Geesh!!  Wasn't he just going for his first day of preschool? :::sigh::: We will have his party later on tonight (you know....after normal people have slept and gone about their day). But I wanted to share one of his gifts. He asked for a WOW card (World of Warcraft).....but that seemed to easy for me and definitely not any fun. I like to make gifts special (and time consuming).....LOL  So, I made him a crepe paper gift ball. Basically you buy some crepe paper streamers and choose what you wish to add. You have to work backwards if you have an order or words to include. You need to wrap the last giftie to open first.

Here is the stash and the supplies. :::smiles:::

I use half of a roll of streamers at a time.....and then switch colors. I finished up with the really cool "Happy Birthday" print streamers I found at Dollar Tree. I decided to give him the $$ in dollar bills just to be cheeky!!  I interspersed them with some candy.

Here is the finished ball (Mt. Dew can is to give you an idea of the size). This ball is heavy!!  LOL  I cannot wait to give this to him. :::smiles:::

So, I'll share more on his B'day later. Don't forget to check out ARTful Salvage! I'd LOVE to hear what you think.

1 comment:

Tammy D said...

You know that the streamer ball is a birthday felony.